Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gratitude Works

A few weeks ago an old friend who had an extremely successful career in economic development e-mailed me to suggest: "You have a certain energy and can spend a lot of time swinging at fences. I think you should focus on hitting some home runs."

Something like that. I don't remember it word for word. And it was the only advice this sage had to offer despite the fact that I wrote back to say, "certain energy? What KIND of energy? Fences? What fences? Could you please me more specific."

Nothing. He didn't really respond. Except he did say eventually something like, "You'll focus on a number of small successes and then eventually you'll have bigger successes."

I think success in business is very much linked to overcoming fear and developing confidence AND (this is extremely important) approaching each day with an attitude of gratitude.

That sounds a little bit silly, doesn't it? An "attitude of gratitude." It's true, though. No doubt. I'm very certain I'm on to something with this gratitude stuff. The nice thing is I didn't go looking for gratitude. It found me quite organically. It found me just yesterday, in fact, with respect to my sales business.

Gratitude found me at lunchtime while I was munching some canned green beans and rice with some chicken lunch meat and cheese. Yep, this is the lunching fare of a new business woman. The green beans were pretty good, too. Green bean tips, they call them. I bought them in a can for forty five cents at the Save A Lot. I had attended a funeral at 11 a.m. It was the second funeral I attended in six days. Funerals have a way of making me appreciate my life as it is with all its bumps and bruises and canned vegetables.

Yesterday evening it was so hot. So I enjoyed the air conditioning and started writing notes to people who I would like to do business with in the future or to people with whom I already have done business. I enjoy note writing. It's how I roll as a former journalist. I say little specific things that mean something to me and, hopefully, mean a little something to the people who read the notes. I inherited this from my mother, I suppose. She was quite a sweet note writer.

I guess I did about twenty notes last night expressing gratitude and a desire to do business. It felt really good, writing those notes. I felt like I was taking ownership and responsibility of my leads.

I plan to really treasure the business cards I receive when I go out prospecting. Those business cards belong to "my people." Those people who are in business are people who I really respect. It just sort of struck me yesterday that nobody is the least bit obligated to do business with me. It's not like I thought they were obligated, don't get me wrong. But suddenly I just had this wave of appreciation for everybody who will consider doing business with me.

It's a very nice feeling -- that feeling of appreciation.

I think I'll carry it with me into this day.


  1. That's a great way to go Patty. xx

  2. Thanks for the reminder about gratitude Patti. It is so powerful at transforming an ordinary day, yet too often I forget to take the time to bring all my blessing to mind.

    love always,


    P.S. I'll be on the lookout for those green beans!

  3. You are SO awesome, using those writing skills in a Great and Positive way. Bea S.
